On the 30th of May I was feeling anxious, fighting with an essay on the aftermath of wars. My Finnish friends were posting pictures of people drinking champagne and wearing the white academic caps. I was depressed: now I could have been at sitsit, now by the river struggling to get my calls through the network blocked by too much activity, now on the Hämeensilta bridge singing the Teekkarihymni... I put on Frederik's "Volga" on youtube and almost burst into tears.
Sciences Po:n kaksi muuta suomalaista vaihtaria olivat yhtä masentuneita, joten järjestimme vappupiknikin Parc Vaubaniin. Aurinko paistoi, oli melkein kesä. Oli mukavaa viettää vaihteeksi aikaa suomalaisten kanssa, ne ovat jotenkin niin konstailemattomia ja aitoja. Puistosta kiirehdin kuohuviinipäissäni vielä treffeille ja sen jälkeen oli vuorossa Wazemmesin korttelijuhla, la fête de la soupe. Keittoa ei enää ollut jäljellä siinä vaiheessa, mutta onneksi oli paljon mukavia ihmisiä! Ihan hyvä Vappuhan siitä sitten tulikin.
The other two Finnish exchange students of Sciences Po were just as down as me, so we organized a 1st of May picnic like we do back home. Sun was shining in Parc Vauban, it felt almost like summer. It was nice to spend some time with Finnish people for a change, they are so easy going and real. From the park I headed to a date, tipsy from the sparkling wine. After that, it was Wazemmes and a block party called la fête de la soupe. They didn't have any soup left at that point but fortunately they had a lot of nice people! So in the end, it was a good Vappu!
Toinen juttu, jota diggailen tällä hetkellä: vaaleanpunaisena kukkivat puut! Mitä nämä on???
Another thing I'm loving at the moment: the trees covered in pink flowers! What are these???
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