In Paris and in many other French cities, yesterday was not the celebration of summer solstice but of music. The streets were full of people, dodgy looking hot dog stands pushing blue smoke and all sorts of musical performances. I myself went to the Ménilmontant neighborhood and ended up following a samba parade to a party in a parking lot.
Hauskaa oli ja metrokin kulki poikkeuksellisesti läpi yön, joten kotiin palaamisesta ei tarvinnut stressata (se kun voi toisinaan Pariisin kokoisessa kaupungissa olla haasteellista). Eräs kaupungin alkuperäisasukas oli väittänyt minulle Fête de la musique'in olevan joka vuosi pettymys, mutta minun odotukseni ainakin täyttyivät: ei satanut ja sain tanssia ystävien kanssa.
I had a great time and the metro run exceptionally through the night so I didn't have to stress out about getting back home (which can sometimes be a real challenge in a city the size of Paris). A native Parisian had claimed that the Fête de la musique is a disappointment every year, but my expectations were met: it didn't rain and I got to dance with friends.