When the guests of the house warming party have made black marks on the walls with their shoes, when the laundry doesn't seem to dry at all, when I don't seem to be able to start working on my essay on the new constitution of Egypt, when it's a warm Monday night and I feel a little restless... that's when I put on my ballet flats and head to Place de la République.
Veden ääni hukuttaa liikenteen melun. Kohina rauhoittaa.
The sound of the water drowns the noises of traffic. It makes you feel calm.
I sit by the fountain, I look at a child who is learning to ride a bicycle. His blue helmet matches the colour of his bike. The old buildings around me look friendly. The night starts to fall.
Nousen, kävelen hetken lehmusten alla ja suuntaan sitten rue Gambettaa pitkin kotiin. Liikkeet sulkevat oviaan, ravintolat avautuvat. Kotikadulla tuoksuu saippua ja tupakka.
I get up and walk a little under the trees before heading back home via rue Gambetta. The shops are closing and the restaurants opening. There's a smell of soap and cigarettes when I turn to my street.
Oi, ihana paikka. Mennään käymään sitten tuolla, kun tullaan!
VastaaPoistaVarmaan kuljetaan pakostikin tuosta ohi... Jos taide kiinnostaa, niin tuo ensimmäisen kuvan rakennus on Palais des Beaux Arts.