The Gare Saint Sauveur is a former railway station that nowadays serves as a cultural center. The event Fantastic, of which I wrote a little while ago, will go on until January. During that time, the Saint Sauveur offers a free exposition called Fantastic Attractions. I went to check it out.
Näyttelyssä oli paljon valoa, mikä piristi mieltä näin synkkänä vuodenaikana. Ylläolevaan valtavaan teippiteokseen pääsi sisään seikkailemaan kuin valtavaan jääluolaan. Olo oli kuin pikkulapsella kiipeillessä ja liukuessa.
There was a lot of light in the exposition, which cheered me up despite the dark time of the year. Pictured above, there's a huge piece of art made of tape and you could go on an adventure inside, it was like a huge ice cave. I felt like a child again climbing and sliding in there.
Christmas lights, circus lights, footlights? For some reason this work of art has become a facebook profile picture hit amongst the people of Lille. I myself had a picture taken here but so far it hasn't made it to my profile. But I love the lights! A real saviour.
Onneksi valoja on myös näyttelyn ulkopuolella. Kotimatkalla huomasin, että ainakin Rue des Postesin, Sebastopolin ja Gambettan jouluvalot - jotka ovat roikkuneet koko vuoden surullisen näköisinä tyhjän panttina - oli vihdoin sytytetty. Kuka enää kaipaa aurinkoa, kun on jouluvalot?
Fortunately there are lights outside of the exposition as well. On my way home I noticed that the Christmas lights -which had been sadly hanging there all year long without any use - had been lit at least at Rue des Postes, Sebastopol and Gambetta. Who needs the sun when you've got Christmas lights?
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